Long Term Effects of Ketogenic Diet. Things You Should Know!

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In a nutshell, the keto diet helps you to reduce those extra fact very quickly, also boost your energy and elevates your mood.

Before we drill into the long term effects of ketogenic diet, let us understand some basics.

Long term Effects of Ketogenic Diet

Yes, that’s the promise of Ketogenic diet – High Fat and Low Carb eating.

Although this diet offers many good things for the one who really follows, also comes with its own drawbacks.

In this article, SlimmingStar helps you to understand the side effects of Ketogenic diet long term, also the how to follow this diet safely.

Before we get into the long term effects of Ketogenic diet, let us know what this diet is all about

So what is KETO DIET?

As I mentioned before, Ketogenic diet is simply a high fat and low-carb eating plan.

Keto diet sets a very tight macronutrient parameters on your food intake.

People who diet tends to get about almost 80 % of their daily calories from fat itself, remaining 15 % from protein sources, the balance 5% from carbohydrates.

In contrary to this, studies from the institute of medicine of the national academies suggest that an average American adult gets 60 % of their daily calories from carbohydrates,.

20% they get it from protein and about 20% from fat.

On a daily basis, the Ketogenic terms limits carbs to around 50 grams per day.

Do you this is one of the most searched diet programs on google search engine and many celebs have touted is benefits.

As this low-carb, high fat diet promises rapid weight loss, health experts on the other side worry about the side effects particularly the long term effects of ketogenic diet and health complications


More often people don’t feel good when they are on this ketogenic diet and this feel gets worst during the initial days of keto diet.

About 25 percent of people who try Ketogenic diet experience Keto Flu.

The symptoms are vomiting, gastrointestinal distress, lethargy and the most common is the fatigue.

Fatigue happens because people who follow ketogenic diet runs out of sugar in their body to burn for energy, and it has to start using fat.

This transition alone is more than enough to make body feel very tired for a few days

This is the reason why people who follow this diet report about sickness few days after they start with the diet, says nutritionist from Houston Methodist Medical Center.


If you often experience a running stomach after following this low carb diet, don’t worry because you are not suffering alone.

This may be due to gallbladder, the organ that produce bile break down fat in the diet may be feeling overwhelmed.

Also this may be due to lack of fiber in the keto diet since the diet is not supplemented by fibre rich foods like vegetables.


If you have diabetes (type 1 or type 2), unless you have physician’s permission to follow ketogenic diet, never follow this diet.

For people who have hyperglycemia issues, Ketosis can be to some extent beneficial but again people need to be mindful about the blood sugar.

And check their glucose levels several times a day.

Ketoacidosis has been also reported by many other people who do not have diabetes but were following this low-carb diet, however, the complications are quite rare.


Do you know too much of meat eating and not having enough drinking water may certainly lead to kidney damage.

This is the case with too much of keto diet followers on a long term.


Following Keto diet has its own pros and cons.

Loading plate with too much of processed meat may increase the risk of kidney stones and gout.

Long term effects of ketogenic diet can be dangerous if one doesn’t follow the diet without consulting a physician

Very high intake of animal proteins tend to make urine more acidic and increases uric acid levels.

However, a responsible way of following keto diet may not result in kidney damage.

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