Indigestion Remedies: Foods to Avoid To Get Rid of Indigestion

Easy Indigestion Remedies You Can Follow

Indigestion is troublesome, especially when it happens frequently. The discomfort and pain can be unbearable.

If you have an ulcer, GERD, gastroparesis, a stomach infection, irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, or thyroid disease, you are at an increased risk for suffering from regular indigestion.

Certain medicines can also increase your likelihood of experiencing indigestion.

These medications include aspirin and other NSAIDs, oral contraceptives, steroids, some antibiotics, and thyroid medications.

Any lifestyle choices that cause you to swallow excessive air can also exacerbate the symptoms of indigestion.

If you find yourself wondering how to get rid of indigestion, keep reading for a few tips and pointers.

Take Medication to Stop Indigestion

There are several indigestion remedies that can help you to figure out how to get rid of indigestion.

Antacids are the most commonly taken medications to get rid of indigestion.

They are an over-the-counter medication made of sodium bicarbonate.

Sodium bicarbonate can dissolve in the stomach and neutralize stomach acid, which is responsible for causing many of the symptoms of indigestion.

If you want to take an antacid, make sure you do so more than two hours before or after you take other medications.

Avoid antacids if you are experiencing symptoms of appendicitis, and discontinue use of antacids after two weeks.

Omeprazole can also help reduce stomach acid by inhibiting its production. If your throat has been sore as a result of indigestion, omeprazole can help your throat to heal.

It is an over-the-counter medication, but if you have chronic or severe symptoms, your doctor may be able to prescribe you a prescription strength version.

Change Your Diet

For many people, indigestion is not the result of a medical condition, but rather the result of their diet.

If you fall into this category, you may need to change your diet to reduce the severity of your indigestion.

Follow these Indigestion Remedies by Avoiding the following foods with Immediate Effect:

  • Spicy foods
  • Greasy foods
  • Acidic foods
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Chocolate
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Alcohol

It is also important that you eat smaller, more frequent meals instead of skipping daytime meals and eating a bigger meal later in the day.

To aid in digestion, make sure that you remain upright, as opposed to lying down, until at least three hours after the last time you have eaten.

Change Your Lifestyle

Stress can exacerbate indigestion. If you can manage the stress in your life, you can reduce the pain and frequency of indigestion.

Try meditating, exercising regularly, and yoga.

Adding a cup of tea to your diet can also help, especially if you drink peppermint tea.

Finally, maintaining a healthy weight will also help reduce the severity of indigestion. Make sure to eat right and exercise regularly.


If you are following all of these tips as indigestion remedies and still wondering how to get rid of indigestion, you may need to see your doctor.

Chronic indigestion could be a symptom of some other serious problem.