Burping a Lot? Everything You Need to Know About Gas

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Burping a Lot is a Problem

Are you constantly burping a lot, feeling bloated or passing gas?

These are perfectly normal body processes that you might experience more frequently than usual if you consume certain kinds of food, especially if you are on a high-fiber diet.

And even if you think you’re passing too much gas, also called excessive flatulence, chances are that it’s an average amount.

If, however, excessive gas is making your life miserable and embarrassing, before visiting your family doctor

learn why you might be suffering from flatulence and if your case requires medical attention.

Where Does Gas Come From?

Gas often comes from foods and drinks you consume or because you may be taking in excess air.

A wide variety of foods could boost your production of gas, and each of them might impact each person differently.

These food groups include dairy products, artificial sweeteners and certain sugars.

You may also be taking in excess air when eating, drink too fast, drinking using a straw, and chewing gum frequently.

In fact, approximately 50% of gas that causes flatulence is due to the excess air intake and not really from food.

But What Exactly is Gas?

Gas is basically a combination of different vapors including oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen and methane, which pass through your body.

It could result in abdominal cramps and pain, as well as the following:


This is a result of excess gas accumulation that will make you feel bloated and uncomfortably full.

But being bloated does not automatically mean that you’re suffering from excess gas, just that you might be very sensitive to gas.


This occurs when your body isn’t capable or is having a difficult time digesting everything you consumed. Starches, some fiber and sugars may be especially hard for your body to digest.

Belching or Burping

Your body can also release gas via your mouth through belching.

If you take in plenty of air when eating, it will get trapped in your abdomen and can be expelled through burping.

Most individuals generate as much as four pints of gas daily, which leads to burping and passing gas about 20 times daily.

This means that passing gas or belching after eating does not mean that you’re suffering from excessive flatulence.

However, significantly more gas than four pints, or persistent pain or bloating, might indicate excessive flatulence.

Can You Control Your Gas?

burping a lot

If you’re really uncomfortable and embarrassed about gas – even if you’re not exactly suffering from excessive flatulence – and want to control it, consider making certain lifestyle and dietary changes.

Eat more slowly and avoid eating foods that you already know make you flatulent, bloated and burping all over the place.

You could likewise consider OTC medications that reduce gas production and aid digestion.


Take note that in some cases, excess gas might be an indication of some digestive health problems such as GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease or IBS, irritable bowel syndrome.

That said, if you experience excessive bloating, flatulence or belching that you believe isn’t due to your diet, see your doctor for a checkup.

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