Antidepressant Weight Gain and How to Overcome it.

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Antidepressants are medicines that are used treat the chemical imbalance that occurs in the brain. The chemical imbalances are usually caused by various symptoms such as the anxiety, depression, stress and also social anxiety.

Antidepressants are effective for relieving these problems, but we cannot ignore the fact that they also come with various side effects that occur in the body. Some of the side effects that the patients get to experience include nausea, blurred vision, fatigue, drowsiness and also dry throat and mouth. Also, a lot of patients who use these medicines have reported a significant weight gain for the times that they used the supplements.

Antidepressant weight gain and how to lose it.

The antidepressant is known to cause the patients gain a significant amount of weight whereby some have reported to have gained up to 100 pounds within a month. Note that these medicines work differently as some may cause you to gain less energy while others are quite intense.

Although there is no concrete evidence to show why antidepressants cause one to gain weight, there are various theories that suggest that the medicines may increase the person’s appetite where you end up consuming more food than before.

As we all know, if you take more calories than expected your weight will automatically increase. Also, some appetites may be associated with craving for carbohydrates only. Some people experience less metabolism which results in fats accumulating in the body.

Remember that if your mind is in a good state or rather if your stress level has decreased, one tends to regain back their appetite which in return causes the appetite to increase. Just like the normal weight, you can as well adopt various ways to aid you in losing antidepressant weight.

Tips on how to lose antidepressant weight.

Consume food at different intervals.

As we saw earlier, some of the symptoms that cause these people gain weight are the fact that they continuously feel hungry all the time. Therefore, to ensure that you curb all the hunger that you are experiencing, consider having different meals in a day. This helps you control the portions of the food that to eat in a day. Also, ensure the foods that you eat are healthy as well. Some of the foods that you can eat include vegetables and fruits.

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Exercise regularly.

Regular exercises help you lose weight in a significant way. Working out too helps fasten your metabolism which in return helps you in stabilizing the number of stored fats in the body.

You don’t necessarily need to hit the gym if you don’t the time or finances a there are other exercises that you can engage in while at home. Some of the activities to consider are walking, make an effort of walking at least for 30 minutes, or you can run around your neighborhood. Make sure that you stay active all the time.

Change the antidepressant medications.

As we saw earlier, these medicines have different reactions in the body whereby some medications tend to cause excessive weight gain while others may cause you to add a few pounds in a month. So, if you find that even after adopting a healthy diet and exercising your weight is not reducing, you may consider changing your medication. But first off, consult a doctor on the best medicines that you can use to replace the ones you were using before.

Sleep well.

Sleep is very crucial as it determines how fast your weight loss will be. Consider sleeping for about nine hours on a daily basis. A good sleep helps in stabilizing your mood hence fastening your rate of weight loss. Also getting plenty of rest helps the medicines to work correctly.

Avoid alcohol.

Alcohol is not recommended when one is taking antidepressants as it tends to worsen the state of the individual hence altering the functioning of the medicines. The alcohol weakens the medication causing them to function at a slow pace and sometimes their operation may be changed entirely in the case where you consume the alcohol in large amounts.


Although one cannot be able to prevent the side effects such as the weight gain caused by the use of antidepressants, you can curb the weight loss by following the above-discussed tips. So Read the above review to learn about the antidepressant weight gain and how to lose it.

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