Is Sleeping 6 Hours a Day Enough? Know What Really Happens!

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Is sleeping 6 hours a day bad? There are different accounts of how much sleep that a person should be getting every night in order to stay health. Some experts state that the average adult needs around eight hours of sleep every night. Many adults do not get this amount of sleep.

The average adult sleeps much less. People still wonder as to what happens when sleeping 6 hours a day.

Lets Break This Down & Understand this Even Better

Adults and Sleep 

According to leading health experts the average adult needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night in order to stay healthy. If a person is not getting enough sleep they are at an increased risk for conditions including high blood pressure, a stroke, a heart attack, and even heart failure. For the adult that wonder is 6 hours of sleep enough it is not.

 Reason Why People Are Not Sleeping

Many reasons why a person is not getting as much sleep as they once did. Over the past couple of years adults are reporting that they are sleeping less due to the busy pace of their life. People have jobs and they need to take care of their children and the home. 

Due to this, only during the left over time, most of the busy people catch some sleep. This continued habit results in poor health. For such people sleeping seems to have taken a backseat to everything else in life.

 The Brain and Sleep

 Lack of sleep can have negative consequences on a person’ overall health and well being. If a person is only getting an average of six hours of sleep a night for a period of two weeks their brain will operate on the same level as a person that is legally drunk.

 Dangers of Not Getting Enough Sleep

 Not getting enough sleep can be very dangerous. Workplace fatigue is on the rise. It becomes difficult for people to safely operate equipment if they are fatigued. Also, people who have high physically demanding job nature have a decreased job performance if they are tired.

As a result of this, fatigued people at work are less productive. Driving is another danger for people that are not sleeping enough leading to frequent accidents since the brain is not active and the reaction time is relatively low.

 Ages and Sleep Requirements

 Ideal number of hours a sleep that a person should be getting a night based on their age. For senior citizen over the age of 65 they need around 8 hours of sleep a night. Adults between the ages of 25 and 65 should aim to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night.

Teenagers need 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night. Younger child should get between 8 and 11 hours of sleep every night. This will help the body grow and recover. This will also help keep the mind sharp and focused.

 For most people when ask is sleeping 6 hours a day is enough, the answer is a definite no. In order to reduce the chance of major health conditions including heart disease and heart failure a person should be getting around 8 hours of sleep a night.

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