Preparing for a Dental Veneer Procedure

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Dental veneers are very thin shells usually made of porcelain or a composite resin that are bonded to the front teeth surface. It is generally a cosmetic procedure that greatly improves the appearance of the teeth. This procedure requires little to no anaesthesia. Porcelain low cost dental veneers are the most common choice among dentists as it is strong and resilient.

Dental problems that can be solved with Low Cost Dental veneers

Dental veneers are a common solution to some of the major dental problems that affect your smile and appearance. The high-tech materials used in making veneers resist stains and give a natural appearance for the patient. The veneers have gradually replaced the need for crowns because your teeth will be altered very minimally.

  • Teeth malformation – Dental veneers can be used to fix chipped, broken or worn off teeth. Your teeth may suffer from malformation due to natural or accidental causes.
  • Teeth discoloration – Natural teeth enamel corrodes over time and this is accelerated by continuously consuming staining foods and smoking. Dental veneers are useful in matching the color of the bad teeth with normal teeth.
  • Teeth gaps – The gap between your teeth greatly affect your smile and unfortunately, some people have extremely large gaps or irregular gaps. This can be fixed using porcelain veneers that give a natural smile.
  • Teeth irregularities – Some patients may have crooked teeth or improper teeth positioning. These can also be fixed with the right type of dental veneers.

How Do Low Cost Dental Veneers Procedure Work?

The procedure to get a low cost dental veneer requires at least three visits to your dentist. Depending on your dental problems, you can place veneers on one or more teeth simultaneously. Again, this has to be determined by your dentist. The right low cost dental veneers procedure though, is easy.

  1. Understanding Your Requirements

First, your dentist will listen to your concerns and understand your requirements. Then, your teeth will be examined to determine whether dental veneers are right for you. Unlike crowing, veneers don’t require a lot of shaping, but not all patients qualify to get low cost dental veneers.

If you have tooth decay or gum disease, your teeth may be weak and may not be suitable for veneers. Some patients don’t have adequate enamel on their teeth for this procedure. Veneers are not suggested for patients who grind their teeth habitually. Your dentist may also take X rays for accurate analysis of your teeth.

  1. Preparing your teeth

The next step is to prepare porcelain veneer laminate that will be bonded to your teeth later. Your dentist will remove about 0.5mm of enamel from the surface of your teeth to prepare for veneers. The veneers made will be roughly equal to this thickness. If necessary, the dentist may prescribe local anesthesia.

Once enamel is removed, an impression of your teeth will be made. It will be sent to the laboratory to prepare the porcelain laminate. The laboratory usually takes 1-2 weeks to prepare the veneers, and you have to patiently wait during this time.

  1. The Final Appointment

Once the veneers for your teeth are ready, your dentist will fix an appointment for the actual procedure. The veneer from the lab will be fitted temporarily to ensure that it matches your teeth.

During the fitting procedure, your dentist will adjust the veneer continuously to ensure a perfect fit. Then, your teeth will be etched to place cement. The veneer will be placed on top of it and a white light will be used to harden the cement.

Caring for veneers

After getting dental veneers, you don’t have to take special care. You can brush and floss normally using a non-abrasive toothpaste. About one week after getting veneers, you have to visit your dentist for evaluation and adjustment. With regular care, low cost dental veneers can last from 5 to 10 years after which they should be replaced.

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