Hypothyroidism Management: How to Get Yourself to Move

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Common hypothyroidism symptoms such as weight gain might leave you scrambling to get out of bed to hit the gym as hard as you can, but other symptoms such as fatigue could get in the way of your plans. Since working out can help boost your quality of life and alleviate related symptoms of depression, exercising should be one of your top priorities. In order to combat lethargy and sluggishness, you need the right strategies to motivate yourself. Start with the following:

Focus on what you’ll get out of your workout. Knowing how exercising would benefit you could help you stick to an exercise plan. A mood boost, weight loss, better sleep, as well as increased flexibility and strength — hypothyroidism or not, these are all excellent benefits for improved quality of life.

Start small. Having hypothyroidism can make you more susceptible to cramps and pain when exercising, so a moderate workout regimen is best to avoid these side effects. Set practical exercise goals and gradually increase your workload over time. In general, 150 minutes of exercise is a nice way to start, whether in the gym or inside your home in Provo.

But as part of your thyroid management program, it’s crucial that you don’t over-train yourself so consider dividing the recommended 150 minutes with a period of six or seven days.

  1. Look for simple things that will make you move every day.

For instance, you can consider walking or standing more during work instead of just sitting for hours at a time and taking the stairs more often when you’re not in a rush.

Get yourself a personal trainer. While you don’t necessarily need a trainer if you want to start running or biking, a personal trainer is an excellent resource for safe training and new exercises.

  1. Engage in physical activities that you love.

Don’t be afraid of trying all kinds of physical activities and once you’ve found one that you really love, join a group that’s as passionate as you. But don’t limit yourself to group classes in the gym. If you love trekking, join a local trekking group.

  1. Build muscle strength.


Aside from cardio, consider doing strength training twice weekly to start, with rest days in between training sessions. When starting out, opt for at least eight moves that will work most of your muscle groups.

  1. Shake your groove thing.

Create a workout playlist that you listen to when exercising. Research has shown that people exercise more vigorously and longer when they listen to upbeat and fun music rather than without any music. Make sure to update your playlist with new songs that will suit your varying moods and goals.

Give yourself a reward for a job well done. Whenever you meet an exercise goal, indulge yourself — hang out with your family or friends more, take long soaks in the tub, and so on.

Put simply, the most effective motivator is an exercise plan that suits your lifestyle, goals, and fitness level. So don’t rush the process and take ample time to figure out what you want before diving in.

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