No Carb Diet Plan: Tips to Reduce Those Extra Pounds

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No Carb Diet Plan For a Week

No carb diet is the kind of diet which restricts carbohydrates like one found in bread, pasta and sugary foods but rather includes healthy vegetables, fats and proteins.

No carb diets are in various types with either causing improvement in one’s health or also causing loss in weight.

With no carb diet there are foods to eat, foods which you should avoid and also a meal plan which is detailed as illustrated below:

A meal plan of no carb diet for a week

The foods to feed on when on a plan to keep off from carbohydrates depend on aspects such as your state of health, exercise and the amount of weight you intend to loose.

The foods you should feed on include:

Oils and fats

Fats are divided into three sections which are: omega fatty acids with its sources including nuts apart from walnuts and macadamia nuts,

monosaturated fats are the second division and are found in egg yolks, avocado, coconut oil, macadamia nuts and butter.

The third group is hydrogenated fats which you should avoid when on a no carb diet plan.

It is found in most vegetable oils such as flaxseed, soya bean, sunflower, canola and olive but then when taking such fats ensure that they are cold pressed.


When on the no carb diet, feed on proteins from animals feeding on grass and also organic eggs.

Some of the proteins highly recommended for no carb diet plan include:

meat from goats, lamb or wild animal, pork, poultry that is quail, turkey, chicken, fish and any other sea food,

sausage and bacon and whey powders of protein or even protein powders from vegetables.

Sample meal plan for a no carb diet for a week

Below is a sample menu which you can follow on your no carb diet week:


Breakfast: vegetable served with omelet fried either in coconut oil or butter.

Lunch: yoghurt which is grass fed together with blueberries and accompanied by almonds.

Dinner: cheeseburger containing no bun then served with salsa sauce and vegetables.


Breakfast: eggs and bacon

Lunch: veggies and burgers left last night.

Dinner: salmon served with vegetables and butter.


Breakfast: vegetables and eggs fried in either coconut oil or butter.

Lunch: salad made of shrimp then served with olive oil and vegetables.

Dinner: vegetables with grilled chicken.


Breakfast: omelet served with vegetables.

Lunch: smoothie made of protein powder, almonds, berries and coconut milk.

Dinner: vegetables and steak.


Breakfast: eggs and bacon

Lunch: olive oil with chicken salad.

Dinner: vegetables served with pork chips.


Breakfast: veggies and omelet.

Lunch: yoghurt which is grass fed and walnuts, coconut flakes and berries.

Dinner: vegetables with meat balls.


Breakfast: eggs and bacon.

Lunch: smoothie made of coconut milk, protein powder of chocolate flavor, berries and heavy cream.

Dinner: raw spinach besides chicken wings which are grilled.

Side Effects of Taking No Carb Diet

These side effects can easily be managed if you understand the reason behind their happening and the ways to minimize them.

After several weeks the body will get used and adapt then the side effects will disappear. Such side effects include:

Frequent Urination

On your first day you are most likely to visit the washrooms more frequent.

This is because the body at that time is burning any glycogen in extra which is stored glucose in the muscles and liver.

While glycogen is been broken, lots of water are produced.

And since you are taking no more carbohydrates and also stores of glycogen are dropping, the kidneys begin damping any water in excess.

Additionally, circulation of insulin drops leading to excretion of sodium in excess by the kidneys hence resulting in frequent urination.

Dizziness and fatigue

Once you begin losing lots of water from the frequent urination, minerals such as magnesium, potassium and salt are as well lost.

When the levels of such minerals go low it may result in headaches, muscle cramps, lightheadness or rather dizziness, and tiredness.

The skin might also become itchy.


This is the biggest side effect of not taking carbohydrates.

The best solution to such effect is ensuring that you take lots of foods which are sources of the minerals mentioned above.

Such foods include, salt, avocadoes, green leafy veggies and dairy products.

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