Top 6 Weight Loss Myths and Facts You Should Know!

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Many people are continuously working to lose weight or maintaining it. For this to be successful then we all need proper guidance and advice. Most of the information doing rounds on the internet or shared verbally is false and misleading thus it is important to know and be able to distinguish the facts from the myths. The following are the top biggest myths and facts about weight loss.

  • Weight Loss involves Linear processes

People usually think that weight loss entirely involves linear processes but this is not the case. Weight loss and gain can be experienced on any other day, week or month. This is actually a normal body process that involves ups and downs and importantly loss by a few kilograms. This is as a result of containing more food in the metabolic system or holding more water.

The fact is that losing weight isn’t generally a linear process as it tends to rise and up and go down by a few pounds. Hence weight loss takes a long time.

  • Supplements Help In Weight loss.

Many supplements that claim to be effective but research indicates otherwise. But some do work for a few is because of the dire belief effect. The marketing gets into the people and they desire to use the chemicals so that they can aid them to lose weight thus they are cautious of the foods they take.

The bottom line is that using supplements so that you can lose weight is totally worthless. Those which are effective can help burn a few calories.

  • Carbs are All Bad

It is not factual that all carbohydrates are bad. There is a lot to learn from low-carb diets. Carbs are not all equal and you should avoid processed foods that are high in sugar and white flour. Instead consume whole grain foods, beans, fruits, and vegetables.

The fact is that low-carb diets are very useful in weight loss. In the first place, carbs don’t bring about obesity. Hence whole single ingredient carb-based foods are very healthy.

  • Snacking Is a Bad Idea.

To lose weight you don’t need to starve. The idea of not eating between meals is a myth. Having snacks between meals can help one avoid over eating during eating hours. Snacking is perceived negatively because of the choice of snacks like chips, candies, and cookies. Instead of going for such snacks one should think of nutritious foods such as fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

  • Fast Foods Are Always Bad

Most people believe that all fast foods are unhealthy and fattening. This has led to increased health consciousness. Health consciousness in the world has led to many fast food chains to offer healthier options. Thus one does not need to abandon fast food altogether to stay on diet.

The bottom line is that fast foods need not be unhealthy or fattening and there healthier alternatives from most fast food chains and restaurants.

  • Drinking Water Helps In Weight loss

Drinking a lot of water does not help lose weight but it keeps one hydrated and can help reduce snacking. Water is life and thus it essential for good health. When one is thirst the urge to snack is always high thus it shouldn’t be mistaken for hunger.

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