Smoking Harms Almost Every Organ of Your Body. Fact Revealed!

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It’s not just written on the cigarette packets to scare you but is backed by significant medical research and proof. Smoking harms almost every organ of the body and is one of the leading causes of death around the world.

In the US alone, it kills 480,000 people each year. That accounts for one death out of every 5!

Smoking increases your risk of acquiring many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, cancer and an endless number of disorders and health risks.

Your chances of contracting coronary heart disease increase by 2 to 4 times due to smoking; the same goes for strokes. The risk of getting lung cancer also shoots by 25 times. It can also impact the fertility in men, and result in complicated pregnancies.

Steps to Combat Smoking

Go in for tobacco smoking cessation programs. The following strategies will be adopted in the intervention fails

  • Implementing exercise and physical activity in patient’s daily routine
  • Restricting food items which are known to promote obesity


Unhealthy diet and modern day lifestyle increases the chance of obesity and other risks

  • Timely intervention with proper diet containing recommended amount of fruits and vegetables
  • Reducing weight and reduction through intervention
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with problems like Diabetes, BP under control
  • Promote a better living and disease free life
  • Join tobacco smoking cessation programs


Dietary risks are the leading cause of disease burden in the US and contributed to more health loss in 2010 than smoking, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. You could avoid these problems by joining

tobacco smoking cessation programs.

Go in for a Good diet 

Apart from joining the right tobacco smoking cessation programs, you also need to follow the right diet plan.

How fruit and vegetables help

  • Replacing high energy density foods with fruits and vegetables can help in weight management
  • It contains high dietary fiber and gives a satiating feeling preventing over eating
  • 400gm of fruit and vegetable intake per day decrease the risk for obesity
  • Increased intake of fruits can have a preventive effect on weight gain
  • Vegetables and fruits decrease adiposity in obese adults and resulted in slower weight gains

Steps to implement

  • Replacing high energy food with fruits and vegetables with recommended amount of 400 to 450 gm
  • Achieving a 50/50 combination of fruit and vegetables in each meal
  • Having frequent servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day


The effectiveness of the treatment will be measured by tracking the weight of the patient over a period of few weeks. Regular recordings will be kept and the change will be noted for comparison with previous readings.

It is high time to quit the bad habit, and the best way is to use natural remedy without any side effects. The investment will save your life and also money – considering an average smoker spends more than $9,200 each year on smoking, which makes it $177 a week – a really costly proposition when it comes to your bank balance and also, health!

Start today and get rid of your bad habit before it takes your life. You could start by joining tobacco smoking cessation programs.

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