5 Recommended Weight Loss Diets For You

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A perfect weight loss diet is that diet which contains the right foods, in the right quantity and quality, eating at the right time and at the right place. While I cannot control when and where you eat, I can suggest the perfect weight loss diet that produces the right results.


Health experts have said that the number of calories you consume has a direct impact on your weight. If you consume fewer calories than your body burns, you will experience weight loss. The problem is usually with identifying the right diet that provides the right amount of calories, and eventually, the right weight.

The secret is to consume foods that keep you full over longer periods. It is such energy-giving foods that do not metabolize quickly that are best for weight loss. They ensure you do not need calorie-filled snacks after a meal, and they are required for your workouts. I have recommended some of them here:

  • The Fiber Diet

Fiber is a preferred alternative to simple or refined carbs, such as rice, pasta, pastries and white flours that metabolize quickly. Fiber-enriched complex carbs like fruits veggies and whole grains have longer metabolism processes and produce more sustaining energy.

I recommend that you eat at least 20 grams of fiber every day. They keep you full much longer. Fiber is the part of a fruit (for instance) that the body cannot easily digest. Apart from all the many other health benefits, they stay much longer in your stomach preventing you from eating too often. An average apple contains 4.4 grams of fiber (that is if you leave the skin on).

To get the amount of fiber your body needs, I’ll suggest you gradually switch from your refined grains to whole grains. You should also consider giving up your breakfast pastries for some high-fiber cereals. You don’t have to fully switch all at once. Start by adding some to your meals. Legumes are also rich in fiber. 5 grams of that in your salad is definitely worth it.

  • Daily Protein

The right protein in the right amount is also a very good weight loss diet. Apart from being an important nutrient, protein keeps you feeling full over a longer period. You should take about 3 servings of lean protein every day, including white meat (chicken or turkey), fish, and lean beef sirloin.

If you’re looking to lose weight, you should take in more protein during breakfast. Studies have shown that those who take in more protein at breakfast tend to be fuller for a longer time and require less calories at lunch. Be sure to include plant protein. Plus, you will not require snacks in between meals when you do. Less calories equals less weight.

  • Vitamin D and Calcium

Foods rich in Vitamin D and Calcium are important. Not just because they strengthen your bones, but because they can contribute to weight loss. Three servings of Dairy foods, the main source of calcium and vitamin D will do the magic.

Studies have shown that people who combine a healthy diet with the prescribed dairy diet tend to lose more weight than those who do not. Regular and substantial intake of vitamin D is also important to aid the work of the leptin, the body’s hormone that tells the brain when you’re full. A Vitamin D supplement is also needed to protect you from cardio and neuro diseases, while helping you lose weight as well.

  • Healthy Fats

Yes, fats. Not all fats are good for you though. Omega-3 fatty acids and no monounsaturated fatty acids present in avocados, oils, nuts, and even chocolates, can serve as effective weight loss agents. All you need is 3 to 4 servings daily.

These fats help you feel less hungry after meals. Less hunger equals less munching equals fewer calories equals less weight. Olive oil, coconut oil, or flax are just about right as they contain unsaturated fats. Walnuts have also been identified as a major weight burner. Add these to your diet and see the difference.

  • Water, instead of Sugary Drinks

Taking at least 4 cups of water every day will contribute to weight loss. A number of calories your body burns is increased by water. It is that simple, water helps to sustain energy for a workout. Plus, it keeps you going even without food for a while. It means you’ll be burning more calories than you’re consuming, which is good for weight loss.

Also, when you take water instead of sugary drinks like flavored drinks, sweetened milk, teas or soda, you can lose some weight. Water does not contain any calories, unlike your sugary drinks. By taking water, you continue to burn calories without replacing so much.

Added to simple regular exercises, having a weight loss diet is the best and safest solution to being overweight. You’re sure to get the best results if you try out these recommendations I have provided. You can thank me later.

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