Lose Weight With The 800 Calorie Meal Plan To Shed Pounds In Weeks!

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How to count calories to lose weight?

When you have to get on a diet such as an 800 calorie meal plan diet, it’s best to prepare your plans besides talking to your doctor beforehand. The reason to prepare is the drastic change your life will endure because of the reduction of your food intake.


In fact, you’ll have to consult your family physician or doctor to make it right for you. All in all, you’ll generally be under the 1K diet which is considered a short-term diet for those who want to lose weight fast.

An 800 calorie meal diet can last for a 1 month. Don’t go past 4 to 6 months though with this sort of diet. It’s not healthy because everyone needs 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day. (This is the reason it’s important to consult your family doctor.)

According to Shape magazine‘s Locke Hughes, there are nutritional and health experts which suggest maintaining calorie goals as one of the main reasons why tracking your calorie consumption is so often recommended.

By “increasing your consumption which will help you” calculate how much you’ve eaten, you’ll know an estimate of how many calories you’ve consumed. This helps you become alert and aware of what and how much you’re eating too.

To begin, do not rely on apps and websites to give you permission on what to eat. There’s many health experts and nutritionists which have done already done this for you online. Since every one is different, especially when it comes to personal metabolism, pick the food item you’ll eat in your meal, three times a day, plus two snacks a day in between.

With that in mind, it’s really impossible to decide the exact numbers of calories you eat per day. You can determine a round about figure by going to a medical office to take a test which will be pricey on top of the test alone.

It means you’ll also have to blow into a tube which calculates digitally and will take about 15 minutes, but with a price tag. It’s best to know what food item you plan on eating per meal because you can get the calorie count online or other food resources .

800 calorie meal plan

Body appearance with the 800 calorie meal plan

When you see other people get on these diets and meal plans, you probably think they don’t work. Encouragement can come from observing others working from a food diets. In fact, later on when you see these people whom have lost the weight they said they would, you’ll be in sheer motivation mode that you want to do the same thing.

Although, why see from the beginning when you too can lose the weight in the mean time. During the holiday season, including going into the new year, one of the most common resolutions is food diets. The 800 calorie meal diet is more of a calorie intake than what types of food to eat . For example, many of these plans have fish and whole grains, fruit and liquids only because these food items have a low-calorie count.

Coupled with exercising, which go together with the calorie diet, you’ll be able to successfully lose weight quicker. In fact, meal plans such as the 800 calorie meal plan may work if you take it seriously from the start. It should motivate the dieter to know that a few elements that must be incorporated when on this particular diet.

Actually, those who successfully “pull this plan off” are fit and tone because of the commitment they put into it as well as certain steps while doing so. Do remember that there are side effects to every diet. With this particular diet, people have experienced nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation.

In general, following a 800-calorie meal plan can help those who are considered obese lose weight fast. Proper exercise along with the diet can not be stressed enough though. In fact, losing up to 5 pounds a week is average when you get on a 800 calorie meal plan.

According to the University of California at Los Angeles, a low-calorie diet can be followed by people who have a body mass index of 35 or higher.

(Source: N/A. September 28, 2015 · Updated August 11, 2017. “800 calorie diet meal plan for Quick Fat-loss.” )

What’s the reason for the success?

The answer is easy. The reason for such success for many people who get on this type of meal plan is the method. The ease of writing down the food item with the calorie number it has along with how much (portions) needed makes it easy to keep track of.

Logging it is basically what you’ll have to do. What to eat and how much of it, plus for how long (i.e. 7 days, 2 weeks to 4 weeks…) It’s all on the calorie method strategy which must be coupled with a good exercise plan as well.

It’s best this way because of the quick-like affects one will see when on a calorie meal plan such as this and with the exercising, you’ll see the shedding of pounds per week begin to show.

For example, 3 days a week can be ideal for those who simply need to exercise while on such a plan like this. Whatever the case, keeping track of the calorie intake daily will benefit those who plan on losing weight quickly.

On another level, this type of food planning may consist of replacement supplements. Although, it’s not a good idea to get on supplements without a consultation of doctor or dietician, especially if you’ve never been on a diet such as eliminating calories from your daily diet.

It’s imperative to keep your minerals and vitamins, along with other nutrients to sustain your body’s energy. You can actually lose the 5 pounds weekly and safely with vitamins, exercise, and proper planning of your meals successfully.

Keeping track on calories

The 800 calorie meal plan has become popular because it base’s the diet on calories alone. Naturally, what you eat and how much you eat is always going to depend on your food diet. It’s important to keep track of how many calories are being consumed daily.

If you do a 7-day meal plan, keeping it diverse will help. Many people already know it’s going to take some effort, lots of commitment, and naturally some bits of honest note-taking when you write how many calories you’ve eaten that given day.

Tabulating your calories on a log for every meal you eat is important. In fact, you must know what foods and how many calories, again, to do this correctly.

800 calorie meal plan

For example, the food choices selected for a great 800-calorie diet should always focus on each food item’s calories. Focusing on the “lean low-calorie” sources such as the “protein and healthy low-calorie carbs” like fruits and vegetables are important.

Below are some examples of great low-calorie foods which serve as a reminder. There are portions that you can eat without overdoing those calorie intakes while still getting your nutrients.

Here is an ideal 3 day, 800 calorie meal plan which can help you lose 10-20 pounds within 4 weeks the right way and with an exercise program 3 days a week. If you do this back to back for a 4 weeks and prolong it to 8 weeks, which is still in that safe-zone, you’ll shed pounds quickly. Alternating your food items is best though.

Additionally, you may need to consult with your doctor to hear any other recommendations such as prescribed vitamins and nutrient supplements.

Day 1

Start with breakfast by consuming a protein drink made with 3/4 cup fat-free (skim) milk.

The first snack of the day, eat 1 low-fat cheese stick and 1/2 an apple.

Lunch can consist of the consumption of 2 oz. of turkey slices, 1/2 slice of whole wheat bread, 1 tsp of light mayo, and tomato slices.

Snack 2: 4 oz. of fat-free or sugar-free yogurt and 3 strawberries.

Dinner can be 3 oz. of pork tenderloin, 1/4 cup of green beans and 1/4 cup of brown rice pilaf.

(Source: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)

Day 2

Breakfast calls for 1 egg and a 1/2 slice of whole wheat toast, and a 1/2 pear. For a snack, drink 1 cup of fat-free milk.

Lunch time can be 2 oz. of leftover pork, 2 whole grain crackers, and 1/4 cup of green beans.

Snack 2: eat 1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese, 1/4 cup of peaches, and canned juice.

Dinner can be 3 oz. of chicken cacciatore, 1/2 cup tossed salad with 1 tsp. of olive oil.

(Source: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)

Day 3

Breakfast: 1/4 cup of fat-free skim milk, 1/4 banana sliced, and 1/4 cup of high fiber cereal.

Snack 1: 1 protein snack with less than 150 calories.

For lunch, have 2 oz. of tuna salad with 1 tsp light mayo and 3 whole grain crackers, and 1/4 cup of fruit cocktail in juice (drained).

Snack 2: Protein bar with less than 150 calories.

Dinner can be 3 oz. of meatloaf, 1/4 cup of tomato sauce, and 1/4 cup of carrot coins.

(Source: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)

(Source: )

Another great 800 calorie meal plan is below. This one was referred by a posting.

Breakfast: 3 oz roast chicken, small serving of pan-fried cabbage

Lunch: 3 oz chicken salad, chicken in spicy peanut sauce, or some other chicken prep.

Dinner: 3 oz of salmon, or sea scallops, i.e. green beans and mashed cauliflower

Snack: chicken broth and protein powder

(Source: Contributor, Cappy11448. 7.7.13, 12am)

Calorie counts

Eating meals like this can be helpful in your 800 calorie meal plans. Looking at how much calories and protein that’s in the food item will naturally help you along the way. Writing down and logging it helps naturally. Similar to the three items below. You want to estimate the calories according to tallying as close as possible to the 800 calorie goal is the most effective way without having to go through medical tests and other procedures. Assure you have proper nutrients and vitamins daily.

Here is the food calorie example(s).

  • Cod filet (189 calories)
  • 6 oz. of trout (168 calories)
  • 3.5 oz. part of roasted white meat chicken (173 calories)
  • 1 egg white (17 calories)
  • 4 large cooked shrimp (26 calories)
  • 1 banana pudding with vanilla wafers (152 calories)
  • 1 BBQ sandwich on a bun: chicken (245), pork (341), beef (396)
  • 1 bowl of corn flakes (130 calories)
  • 1 slice of white bread (96 calories)
  • 1 bowl of boiled noodles (175 calories)

Making a chart with your favorite foods and marking the calories beside it can motivate you by the number of calories you eat daily. Meal plans can be prepared beforehand and while you may think you won’t get full, it’s more about your weight loss than anything else. (The supplemental vitamins normally curb your appetite.)

You should also think about your overall exercise plan such as a bike route for 15 minutes, 3 days a week as a start. Then you can up the ante by doing a bike route 5 days a week.

Various foods prepared can make your calorie intake easier

Finally, eating lots of veggies such as leafy greens, celery, broccoli, tomatoes, eggplants, mushrooms, peppers, cauliflower and summer squash can benefit you in the long run. Consequently, what veggies do for you, fruit can do the same.

Fruit which has plenty of water within it will help get you fuller quicker. Watermelon, honeydew melons, cantaloupe, blueberries, strawberries, plums, and oranges are those types of fruit that are ideal for calorie meal plans such as the 800 calorie meal plans.

Consequently, when it comes to your weight, always remember that “beauty is only skin deep.” Hence, eating healthy, while knowing what you eat is important to a successful calorie meal plan, especially if you want to lose weight fast.

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